You realize this is the start of a brilliant monologue.

It’s like Seinfeld crossed with Roseanne Roseannadanna.

Penseur Rodinson
1 min readAug 23, 2016

It wandered, then apologized for wandering, then apologized for apologizing, then apologized for being, and entertained all the while.

I’m not being sarcastic. I don’t laugh much and this cracked me up. I think you’ve got real comedic talent. Not everyone can do this. Maybe you should think about giving up your day job.

For real. That good. I smiled throughout but, at the last line I lost it. “So, at your expense, dear reader, I’m going to press ‘Publish’.”

I could just picture your hand on the mouse, cursor on the “Publish” button, you pause and take another hit of whatever you were doing at the time and — CLICK — take that, suckers! Mwahahahaha! (fiendish laugh)

Too good, honestly, too good.

Can you keep this up for ten minutes? If so, and you’re not already doing stand-up, you should think about it. Either way, thanks for the laughs. I hope whomever you were skewering wasn’t too badly wounded.



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