You offer sympathy but, no solutions.

We’re all sympathetic. What they need are solutions.

Penseur Rodinson


Thank you for the piece. It’s well written, with insight and interesting photos. What it lacks is rational, workable solutions.

I’ve spent more than a decade in Africa. Almost every African I’ve ever met from almost every African nation in which I’ve ever been, wanted to leave. Most often the best, brightest, strongest and most healthy have left, and the countries they left behind were and are poorer for their having left, because they never went back, they never took what they learned or earned and went home to do something with it, so nothing changed.

Africa is a continent rich in resources, as rich as any, and richer than some, complete with over a billion acres of unused arable land. It could feed the world but, because of its social and political problems Africa doesn’t currently even feed itself.

With high birth rates, if Africa’s political problems aren’t solved, the continent will remain a never-ending source of tens of millions upon tens of millions of unskilled, uneducated and unwanted illegal immigrants. Better to help Africa solve its problems than berate Europeans for not wanting to feed and clothe and absorb more unskilled immigrants than their social service structures and higher wage economies can possibly survive.

Instead of a report on what deprivations and depredations illegal immigrants suffer and what is needed to absorb the unending waves of humanity fleeing African poverty, I’d like to read a study on what it would take to solve Africa’s problems, and permanently stop the flood.

That, though much more difficult to write, would be much more worth reading.



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