Worried About President Trump?

Penseur Rodinson
2 min readJul 21, 2016


There is this Consolation…

OK, he knows nothing about the Constitution, nothing about the Federal Government, nothing about macroeconomics, nothing about the Federal budget, nothing about the military and nothing about diplomacy.

He’s threatened to edit the First Amendment, so no one will be able to say anything “bad” about him.

He’s advocated an assault weapons ban and a year later promised the NRA he’ll preserve their Second Amendment rights.

He’s threatened to deport approximately 3 percent of the population.

I’m not sure what he’s promised or threatened to do to Muslims because it changes every day or two ( Watch this space!) but, it’ll range somewhere between deporting them and giving them free housing and EBT cards.

He’s promised to build a $14 billion wall across our southern border and not pay for it (That might actually happen since, if you ask any of his contractors, that’s his SOP — build it then, when the bills come in, file bankruptcy.)

At this point you’re panicking!

You’re imagining Condoleeza Rice, complete with yardstick, explaining the fine points of “I’m Just a Bill” to Trump, as he screws on his persimmon face and stares hard at the big screen TV in the Oval Office…

…then fending him off with the same yardstick as he tries to cop a feel.

We’re facing disaster, right? The economy will crash. NATO will abandon us out of spite. Healthcare will be free and — impossible to find.

Green fees will be tax-deductible but, golf will be mandatory.

Tax receipts will plunge. The deficit will skyrocket. Inflation will go wild. A Big Mac might cost a billion dollars…

He might put himself on the trillion dollar bill!

He’ll nuke Texas just to get back at Ted Cruz or, trade it for Cabo. (Two birds, right? Get rid of those nasty Texans and import more cheap waiters.)

It could get so bad the Mexicans will be glad they have a wall.

They might build it higher, just to keep out desperate gringos!

But, we can be sure of one thing — the comics will love him because —

Donald J. Trump will be more entertaining than the first 44 Presidents combined!



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