What is a prejudice?

What if the unpleasant thing you believe is true?

Penseur Rodinson


If you’ve read the Quran and Hadith you realize my Muslim salesman is simply doing Allah’s work and, though he’s upset at being outsold, he’s not upset at the death of the world. He’s Shia. He lives to end the world.

I don’t hate Muslims, I just won’t tolerate their religion because it won’t tolerate us, the 5 billion non-Muslims in the world. In fact, read any of my posts about Islam. You’ll find I say violence absolutely will not end Jihad but, the truth will. Kill a few million Jihadis and sooner or later they’ll be back but, teach the real history of Islam and Muhammad and we can put an end to this.

This is what the infidel world is missing regarding Jihad — it’s not an aberration committed by misguided Muslims, it’s not a misinterpretation of the Quran — Jihad is exactly what Allah ordered via the angel, Gabriel and his prophet, Muhammad. We can’t end Jihad by killing Jihadis. We can only end Jihad by killing the idea.

In this case, not only will the truth set Muslims free, the truth will set all of us free.




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