Westerners don’t hate Muslims,

Penseur Rodinson
2 min readAug 18, 2016

we just want you to quit killing us and imposing your hatred, misogyny and intellectually stultifying and puritanical lifestyles on us.

Islam started as a tiny group, 200 people who couldn’t get along with the Meccans, their own people, who eventually banished them for the trouble they caused.

Whereupon the little group, Muhammad’s entire congregation tricked the Jewish tribes of Medina into giving them shelter. After which Muhammad and the followers of the Religion of Peace repaid the Jews by massacring them, beheading over six-hundred in one night.

The members of the Religion of Peace then went back and conquered their Meccan friends and neighbors, and from there spread Islam across the Middle East and North Africa and Southern Asia and Southern and Eastern Europe.

All by force, killing and enslaving millions, looting and destroying everything in their paths.

Islam is so inwardly focused and primitive in its outlook it has created a billion people so unproductive that they not only can’t prosper, they can’t even survive without looting and plundering other, more productive people.

And every time the infidel world, the non-Muslim rest of the world fights back, the Muslims cry “foul” and claim to be maligned and mistreated, claim all 1.4 billion members of the Religion of Peace are really just misunderstood.

Either you’re the religion of liars or you’re the religion of people with conveniently bad memories.

But this time, as every time before, for 1400 years, you’ve overplayed your hand, and non-Muslims are watching your self-satisfied enthusiastic response to the torture and murder and depredations Muslims are inflicting on non-Muslims and non-Muslims are waking up and realizing what you are —

a cultural plague on the civilized world.

If you’ll leave the non-Muslim world alone, it will leave you alone. None of us want your lands, none of us want your culture, none of us want anything you have, but we don’t hate you. Most of us feel sorry for you. Most of us just want to keep what’s ours, live as we please and look toward the future, not live as you please and look toward the past, immersed in cruelty, ignorance, repression and poverty.

You’re not repressed and kept in poverty and ignorance by the outside world. You’re repressed and kept in poverty and ignorance by your own religion.

Since you refuse to be honest, this is the end of our conversation.



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