We Can’t Kill the Jihad with Guns and Bombs

Penseur Rodinson
3 min readJul 15, 2016


Jihad isn’t a person, it’s an idea. We’ve got to kill the idea.

It’s become almost monotonous; 84 dead and 200 injured, mass assault and murder by a lone man, attacking a holiday crowd in France, another Jihadi, like the others.

Like all the others we’ve seen and, all the others we will see.

He didn’t need a gun or bomb, he used a weapon so common it can be found almost anywhere and used by almost anyone, a truck.

I’m waiting for the call to ban trucks, any minute, right? It’s coming, truck control.

Yes, the French police killed him but, he died smiling. He got 84 of us before we got him. Yes, I meant “us” and “we” because all of us who aren’t observing Muslims are their targets and, we will have to stop them or die.

And, until we come to terms with that, this is how it’s going to go, one or two of them will kill dozens or scores of us as we go about our daily lives, not persecuting Palestinians or dishonoring Islam or offending the prophet — just living our noncombative, noninvasive, daily lives.

This is not war as we’re used to it. This is not war between competing political or economic systems, this is tribal war. This is Islam against the infidel world. The people attacking us aren’t just forgiven for the violence they perpetrate, they’re commended for it by their god. They’re doing their god’s work, Allah’s work and, as long as they believe that, the war will go on.

We can’t win the war by killing a few Jihadis, or a few hundred Jihadis, or a few thousand Jihadis, or even a few million. There are 1.4 billion Muslims in the world and they all pledge their lives to Jihad, five times a day.

We’re not going to kill 1.4 billion people. We don’t have to.

The only way to win the war is to kill Allah, the imaginary construct of a jealous, demented, illiterate religious scammer named Muhammad. Those of you who couldn’t swallow the Yahweh of the Torah, who couldn’t buy into the miracles of the Bible or the risen son of God will have a real laugh once you dig into Islam.

It is, without a doubt, at least the second most hilarious religion ever invented, potentially just behind Scientology. (Which, may or may not be more hilarious than Islam. It’s hard to tell. Scientology doesn’t publish a guide to its foolishness as does Islam.)

That’s the way to stop the Jihad, teach historical Islam in our schools. Let people, including Muslims know what it is and how it started. Let everyone laugh at Muhammad’s fumbling attempts to cover his violence, his greed, his lies and lust and pedophilia with messages from Allah. Whether you’re a Muslim or not, the odds are you know almost nothing about Muhammad. Once you know you’ll never be the same.

It’s wilder than anything Hollywood as dreamed up but, it’s real, it’s history, it’s so funny you’ll swear it can’t be true but, it is, it’s not fiction.

Check it out, it’s long but so’s the Quran and even worse, the Hadith. What would you rather read, 250 pages of Muhammad’s mixed up ravings and 900 pages of Al-Bukhari’s explanations, or 25 pages of humorous narrative?

Want to know why Muhammad started Islam, why Muslims hate Jews, why Muhammad got rich, why Muhammad could have so many wives, why prepubescent girls have to marry middle aged Muslim men, why Muslims commit acts of violence against non-Muslims? Here it is:


Most of the ills of the Middle East can be traced directly to Muhammad.

We can’t kill all 1.4 billion people who have sworn to kill or enslave us but, we can kill the ridiculous ideology that orders them to do it and, like the corrupt machines in I Robot, set them free.



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