“War is deceit.”-Muhammad, Bukhari 52:269

Penseur Rodinson
2 min readAug 18, 2016

And so is the rest of Islam.

I’m sorry, I read through them all but, most of your references have nothing to do with the question at hand. Using early Quranic verses, which Muhammad later revoked by Abrogation is a neat trick, which will work on most non-Muslims but, not this one.

The answer to the question at hand, that of Muslims killing infidels is, they definitely do, have done since the dawn of Islam, and continue doing so today, in large numbers. What’s more, the Quran abounds in justification for their killings.

“Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that Allah is with the righteous.”

In fact, your reference, “Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is capable to give them victory.” doesn’t mean what you imply it means. Since conversion or enslavement is mandatory, this verse gives Muslims free reign to kill anyone who resists (fights against) conversion or enslavement.

Your references are half truths or complete untruths, due to the principle of Abrogation — Muhammad’s early admonishments to be tolerant were abrogated — overruled by his later orders to conquer all non-Muslims.


Which brings me to your part in this masquerade — that of deceiver. Muhammad not only commanded his followers to convert, enslave or kill all infidels, he commanded you to lie about it, to deny it and keep denying it until you have the strength to conquer us.

So, why, if the Quran orders you to lie to non-Muslims, would anyone believe anything you write, in particular, using histories written by Muslim apologists which contradict all other accounts of the same events?

Because they’ve never read the Quran. They’re projecting their rational, tolerant, secular worldview onto people who aren’t rational, tolerant or secular.

They’re judging you by Judeo-Christian standards, wherein lying (thou shall not lie) is a sin, killing (thou shall not kill) is a sin, and lying about killing (thou shall not bear false witness) is a sin. Non-Muslims can’t bring themselves to believe a religion would actually order its members to lie to infidels, kill infidels, and then lie to infidels about killing them.

It’s as though The Joker has taken over the pulpit.

Which, for those who have studied Muhammad, seems a perfect comparison.

Your job, as a Muslim is to lie about your religion to non-Muslims. You’re doing a good job. You are a taqiiyist, a hard working taqiiyist but, a taqiiyist nonetheless.

Now, please go away.



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