The End of Being Black
“I want to kill black people./I want to kill white people.” — Dylann Roof/Micah Johnson.
Two mass murdering racists later and, it seems nothing’s changed but, I think it has; I think we’re a little closer to admitting something very painful but, very important, that white racists still exist but being black, our black population’s reaction to past racism and to society’s attempts to move beyond racism is a fatal strategy.
Being black isn’t working.
Not because Dylann Roof killed more (9) of the people he hated than Micah Johnson (5), not because Dylann Roof survived to be arrested while Micah Johnson died carrying out his plan but, because on the day Micah Johnson died, dozens of other black Americans died along with him — almost all killed by other black Americans.
Being black, not looking black but, being black, behaving in a specific way I’ll call being black has killed hundreds of thousands, if not millions of black people and, pushes those who survive toward social and economic extinction.
Then, if being black has served people so badly, why behave this way? What’s the point. What’s the plan?
What’s the endgame?
Ever played backgammon? Toward the end of the game each player analyzes his position and chooses to play a blocking game, obstructing his opponent’s progress or, to play a running game, making as much progress as possible toward his goal.
You choose your endgame. We all choose our endgames.
Life is the same. We’re free to play our own games but, which game we play has consequences for us and, for others. Are we accomplishing something with our lives or, are we spending our time and effort holding others back?
What is our endgame?
To the rest of Americans, in spite of the fact that Affirmative Action makes black Americans slightly more than equal, it doesn’t seem they’re trying to win. They aren’t taking advantage of their opportunities. Instead, it looks as though their goal is to stop everyone else from winning.
Blacks are 12.6% of our population and, while it’s true 24% of the people police kill are black — twice their share of the population, it’s a minuscule number because police in America kill very few people of any color, black, brown or white and —
93% of the time, when a black American is murdered, the murderer is not a cop, not Hispanic, not white but, another black American.
To be sure, black Americans aren’t just picking on themselves. 84.2% of the time when a non black American is assaulted, it’s by a black American. All the FBI’s hate crime stats have been able to prove is white on black crime is almost nonexistent. The popular black legend of whites murdering blacks is a myth.
White Americans are 27 times more likely to be killed by Black Americans than are black Americans to be killed by whites.
Twenty-seven times — white on black crime is a myth.
Those aren’t accusations, those are convictions.
Black Americans commit almost all of America’s violent crime. Why?
Why are black Americans nine times more violent per capita than white Americans? (Eight times more violent than Hispanic Americans and, forget about Asian Americans, who commit almost no crime. You want to be safe, hang out with Asians.)
It’s no wonder a disproportionate number of black Americans (though in absolute terms, less than half as many as whites) are killed by the police, they commit an amazingly disproportionate amount of our violent crime and, because of that, come in contact with law enforcement officers far more often and commit almost all assaults on those same law enforcement officers.
While sadly, blacks are often the victims of crime, they are also, almost always, the perps.
Even if blacks quit committing violent crime today, it would take years for other Americans, including police, to accept the change but, that’s the only way out of the place we’re in. For now, we can’t ignore the facts, or numbers.
American police will stop profiling young black men a few years after young black men stop committing 87% of America’s violent crimes.
If I’m a cop and I know 3% of the population (young black males) commits 85% of the assaults and 93% of the murders in my town, young black males will get my attention.
If I’m approaching a black male, my finger will be on the trigger when I get out of the car.
But, I’ll be much more relaxed approaching non blacks because, they are far less likely to present a threat — to me or anyone else.
Black violence has consequences, not least for black people. Between the ages of 15 and 20, the male share of the black population drops from 51% to 47%. Almost three times as many young black males die as do young black females. Of these hundreds of thousands of deaths, a tiny fraction are caused by the police, almost all young black men are murdered by other young black men.
And, those lucky enough to survive do less with their lives than do white, Hispanic and Asian Americans. White high school children score 23% higher on SAT exams, Asians score 30% higher and Hispanics score 5% higher. Black Americans are being beaten in reading and writing by Hispanics, many of whom speak and read English as a second language.
While it’s true, many inner city schools aren’t as good as suburban schools, it’s also true black students don’t work as hard in the schools they attend. 36% of the general high school population takes high school honors courses. Only 23% of black students take them.
These classes are free roads to success and, far fewer blacks than whites take advantage of them. Why?
Why do young black Americans not choose tried and true paths to success?
This choice, among others, leads to disadvantages most black Americans never overcome. The median black family income in America is $32,000. The median Hispanic family income is $38,000, the median white family income is $55,000 and the median Asian family income is $65,000.
Yes, the median income for Hispanics, many of whom are here illegally, many of whom have trouble accessing schools and jobs, is 18% higher than the median income for blacks. How can this be? Why can this be?
If black Americans are failing to to educate themselves and failing to succeed in the job market, into what are they investing their efforts?
Violence, the only thing in which black Americans lead others.
The only thing at which black Americans lead their non black countrymen is violence but, to what end? What’s the point of engaging in more violence than anyone else, than the rest of the population put together? It’s obviously not pulling them out of poverty or getting them ahead in life. Why practice violence? Are we preparing or hoping for a revolution? Is that the end game?
Is that what Black Lives Matter is really about, revolution?
Remember Charles Manson? That was his plan. His bloody murders of white people were meant to kick off a race war, Helter Skelter, black Americans against white Americans. In Manson’s warped mind, blacks would win and then ask him, (yes, ask white Charles Manson) to run the country for them. It was far-fetched when Manson dreamed it up and, even more far-fetched now -
- a black revolution overthrowing the United States and, 40 million blacks enslaving the other 280 million of us.
In states that publish records by race, black Americans hold approximately 5% of concealed carry permits. Five percent.
PEW Research estimates there are 6.2 million black gun owners in the United States who own, on average, 1 gun and, approximately that many Hispanic gun owners and, approximately 67 million white gun owners who own, on average, 8 guns apiece. Black America is vastly outnumbered and outgunned.
Do we think 6.2 million black gun owners are going to kill 74 million other gun owners who own many times more guns? Do we really think 40 million black people are going to take the country over from the other 280 million?
Are we thinking maybe the Hispanics are going to ignore their feelings toward blacks, join up with black gun owners and take on the whites? MS-13 and the Surenos are going to quit killing blacks and start working for them? Or, are we expecting all 48 million Hispanics to join in?
The last time I looked, Hispanics were busting ass, acting whiter than white folks, working harder, saving more money and getting ahead. I don’t think they’ll be receptive to the idea of living as slaves in a black-run paradise.
Given the odds, I can’t see it working so, what is the point of the violence?
Because, it’s wearing thin. Not many white folks and almost no Hispanics are buying into the poor, downtrodden black person act anymore. When Barack Obama blames the murder of 5 white and Hispanic policemen in Dallas on black oppression, almost everyone who isn’t black reverses the emphasis — it isn’t any longer whites oppressing blacks, it is blacks oppressing whites.
The reason white people are 27 times more likely to be killed by black people than the other way around (FBI crime statistics) is because, as much as black people don’t want to admit it, white oppression is a fantasy.
Almost no white people are killing, or trying to kill black people. They don’t want to and, for all but a trivial few, they haven’t wanted to for generations, more than a century and, the trivial few are, for the most part, shamed into inaction by the rest of us.
On the contrary, for quite awhile most white Americans have wished, hoped, dreamed black Americans would figure out the rules of the game and, reach for the brass ring, quit playing to block and start playing to win.
The problem seems to be, winning means, in the eyes of black people, they are not being black.
I don’t mean not looking black. Being black has nothing to do with how one looks. It is all about how one acts, what choices one makes.
Dropping out or under-performing in school is a black choice.
Joining a gang and dealing drugs is a black choice. Carrying an illegal, stolen gun and brandishing it at a homeless man and fighting with police twice, going to prison for it the first time and getting himself killed for it the second time were all black choices Alton Sterling made.
Growing up and voting for the same people who refuse to give you a chance to succeed, to let out of your bad neighborhoods and into good ones, who refuse to give you school choice is, and has been for decades , a nearly universal black choice.
Ever heard the phrase, you choose your poison? It’s true.
That’s what being black is; it’s not about how you look, it’s all about your choices, choices that will have bad outcomes, that we know will have bad outcomes, that you know will have bad outcomes but, choosing them anyway then, being outraged when those outcomes happen!
Want what white Americans have? Choose like white Americans. Stay in school, take the hard classes and try, don’t join gangs, don’t sell drugs, don’t carry illegal weapons, don’t commit crimes and, don’t fight with police and, don’t vote for your oppressors and, you’ll be able to have everything white Americans have.
It just means the end of behaving in one particular way —
— the end of being black!