Thanks for the artistically constructed word salad.
It went nowhere.
After 6 minutes of reading, then a few more minutes of rereading I’m left asking: Exactly what is it you want us to do, Ignore them?
You’ve said nothing, lots of well crafted—nothing.
Thousands of unknown Islamic tribal warriors die in the Middle East each month, while anonymously killing tens of thousands of unknown members of the not-Islam or not-Islamic-enough tribe, with neither cameras or reporters.
They’re not killing us for publicity. They’re killing us because their religion demands they do so.
Why do you object to news reports giving us details about their mass murders? Is it because the details generate horror and revulsion? Should we be shielded from life’s unpleasant truths?
Why do you object to news reports giving us details about the perpetrators of these mass murders? Is it because worldwide those perpetrators are 35 times more likely to be Muslims than non-Muslims, because the details lead to the inevitable conclusion that most of the world’s violence is being perpetrated by this single group?
Why does it not count as Islamic terror if the Islamic perpetrator hasn’t been in recent contact with ISIS headquarters? Is the perpetrator less Muslim or are the victims less dead?
What exactly is bad about a “narrative”? Narratives are stories, right? Events that, when placed together in a recognizable order enlighten us, give us insight into a truth we otherwise wouldn’t see. Stories are valuable. Narratives are valuable. They are how we understand culture and history.
The story of humankind is a narrative. Is that bad?
Do you object to the narrative because it frightens you? Because if you’re a decent human being it demands of you some kind of action? Do you object to, or are you afraid of the debt you owe to humankind?
Because, whether you wish to admit it or not, this is tribal war, Islam vs not-Islam or not-Islamic-enough, and in this as in all tribal wars, there are no boundaries and no rules. This is a massive death cult against all of the rest of humankind, and you may try to ignore it but, you can’t be on neither side, you’re an observant Muslim or you’re dead, or you’re a dhimmi or —
— you can fight back.
Mostefai, Amimour, and Muhamed-Aggad each died Islamic tribal warriors’ deaths after killing 89 members of the tribe of not-Islam, none of whom attacked them or fought back against them at the Bataclan.
Omar Mateen died an Islamic tribal warrior’s death after killing 49 members of the tribe of not-Islam, none of whom attacked him or fought back at Pulse.
Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel died an Islamic tribal warrior’s death after killing 84 members of the tribe of not-Islam or not-Islamic-enough, none of whom attacked him and only one of whom fought back, one man on a motorcycle, who died trying to stop the carnage on Nice’s waterfront.
I feel safe in saying ignoring them isn’t working. They’re still killing us.
What did they all have in common? Did they “like” each other’s facebook pages? Did they call or text each other for instructions? Did they answer to the same chain of command? No. They didn’t need to.
They all took their orders from the Quran, the holy, indisputable, immutable word of god as handed to us by Muhammad. The Quran tells Muslims in so many words they MUST KILL OR ENSLAVE ALL NON-MUSLIMS.
What’s wrong with telling that narrative? When AIDS appeared we spent billions of dollars analyzing it until we could tell an honest narrative and try to stop it. As we face Zika, we crave an accurate narrative that tells us how to stop it. What’s wrong with telling an honest and accurate narrative about Islam?
To what do you object when the honest and accurate narrative reveals the horrific barbarism of humans collectively known as Muslims?
This part of humankind’s narrative is already more than 1400 years long and, it’s not as though we can’t or haven’t in the past recognized the truth the narrative reveals, for all of those 1400 years the trademark of these people, the keystone upon which Islam has been built is horrific violence, the violent conquest of non-Muslims.
Any rational person should want that narrative told, in big, bold, neon letters: Islam was founded on and demands of all its adherents violence against all who are not adherents!
With more and more dangerous weapons in the hands of Muslims, it behooves us to recognize and understand the truth of Islam — it is incompatible with anything not Islam. Humankind hasn’t coexisted with Islam for 1400 years, it has survived by repeatedly defending itself against Islam for 1400 years.
If humankind doesn’t defend itself against Islam, this time Islam will win and those of use who survive will be transported back to 7th century slavery, known as dhimmitude.
Dhimmitude — let’s see you fit that into your next word salad.