Some Muslims know lots about Islam, some know very little.

Penseur Rodinson
4 min readAug 19, 2016

But once a Muslim, always a Muslim, there’s no escape.

The Quran is written in Arabic. Around 150 million Muslims speak or read Arabic. That leaves 1.3 million Muslims who can’t read the Quran or, who depend on reordered translations. Most of what they know about Islam, including the history of Islam, comes from their Imams.

Muslims are taught that the approximately 2 million Jews and Christians in the Middle East and North Africa converted voluntarily to Islam. They aren’t taught that Muslims killed most of those 2 million people. They aren’t taught that Muslims armies slaughtered 30,000 Christians in Cairo in one day (Egypt was Christian in the seventh century, until Islam got there.). They aren’t taught that Muslims laid siege to Jerusalem and, in spite of promising not to, slaughtered the Jews and Christians when they finally surrendered.

They’re not taught about any of Islams thousands upon thousands of atrocities throughout 14 centuries. They’re lied to about their own history and their own religion.

And, if they find out they’ve been mislead, if they figure out their religion is a scam, is actually a blueprint for conquest, for tribal war, and the history they’ve been taught is a lie, there’s nothing they can do about it because the penalty for leaving Islam is death. There are no excuses or exceptions, anyone who tries to leave Islam is automatically sentenced to death, and the sentence can be carried out at any time by any other Muslim.

Nor have we known much about them for long periods of our history. George Washington mentioned Islam once, in a letter but, America’s founders knew very little about Islam. It certainly wasn’t what they had in mind when they wrote freedom of religion into the Constitution.

It wasn’t until 1812, when Muslims in North Africa began attacking American ships, killing American sailors and taking Americans as slaves that Jefferson sent a delegation to Paris to meet with the Muslim’s envoy and try to figure out why they were attacking us. The delegation told Jefferson the Muslim envoy claimed their god ordered them to attack us and enslave us.

Amazed, Jefferson bought a Quran and translated it into English (Jefferson spoke 6 languages, including Arabic.) and realized the envoy had told the truth, Allah did order them to attack, kill and enslave — all non-Muslims. He immediately started a shipbuilding program and within a year sent the Navy and Marines to attack the Muslims and free the American slaves.

The young American Navy and Marines succeeded and, after suffering a crushing defeat, the Muslims agreed to stop attacking American ships. The Barbary War gave us several elements of popular culture. The Muslims had been beheading sailors so, the Marines were given heavy leather collars, designed to deflect Muslim scimitars in a fight, resulting in their nickname, “Leathernecks”, and the Marine Hymn was written shortly thereafter, with the phrase “…to the shores of Tripoli.” Tripoli is one of the battles in which they defeated the Muslims.

So, no, our founders had heard of Islam but, when our Constitution was written, they focused on Christian sects and Judaism. Although Jefferson knew of Buddhism, it wasn’t considered to have presented any dangers.

It took Spaniards 770 years to defeat and rid their country of Muslims but, by 1492 the Reconquista was complete, shoving Islam back out of Western Europe. The Jihad continued in Eastern Europe but, in 1683, at the Battle of Vienna, King Sobieski of Poland defeated them so badly they were sent scurrying all the way back to Constantinople.

By 1791, when we ratified the Constitution, the Ottoman Empire was a backward Middle Eastern curiosity.

Clever Muslims advocate what they call “quiet Jihad’, in which they migrate to other countries and gradually take over as their numbers get large enough to force governments to concede to their demands or simply vote them in. That’s what they’ve done in Michigan and Minnesota and one Dallas suburb, where they operate illegal Sharia Courts, which decide issues between Muslims but, which they demand should decide issues between Muslims and infidels too.

Since Islam has its own legal system, depriving non-Muslims of their rights, Muslim Americans are actually guilty of sedition, trying to undermine the Constitution, something we haven’t prosecuted anyone for in a long time.

It is how we could stop the quiet Jihad, by prosecuting practitioners of Islam for sedition and giving them the choice of deportation or prison. It sounds extreme but, it will come to that. It has come to that every time, for 1400 years, we have always been forced to throw them out because their quiet Jihads have always ended up becoming violent Jihads.



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