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Should Your Border Trump my Trillions?

6.3 billion reasons to close the border, and 50.4 trillion to leave it open.

Penseur Rodinson
16 min readNov 20, 2019
Great Walls that failed and will. “Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man.”. George S. Patton.

The country’s split, not quite evenly, but split nonetheless on whether we should secure our southern border or welcome all those who cross it and claim asylum. As a near-lifelong expat, I know how borders and immigration work and are made to work elsewhere, and I know if we go the wrong way we’ll suffer the fate all before us have.

Ask Priam, Troy was fine until they opened those damned gates...

Still, whatever you decide to do, open or close the border (Though walls alone don’t work. The Israelis’ work because they shoot anyone who tries to climb over or dig under them.), I’ll be fine. I’ve lived and worked in many countries, and socked away enough so I no longer need work or permits. I can live in the USA or, if things go south (or south comes north), I can close my eyes, spin the globe and see where fate and American Express will take me next.

Most Americans haven’t and can’t. They’ve got homes and mortgages and 1.7 (down from 1.9) kids, and little else. No matter how bad it gets, they can’t run, so — it would behoove them to think carefully before deciding what to do about their borders and both legal and illegal immigration.




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