Posting on Medium doesn’t make you an expert, but life will, if you let it.
Medium allows almost anyone to say almost anything, whether it makes sense or not, in fact, most of Medium’s recommends are nonsensical homages to our nonsensical current culture.
My grad school profs used to say 97% of published research was utterly worthless blather, used to fill journals. I think they’d say the same thing about Medium — 97% blather. I try to avoid contributing to that problem.
I did you the honor of reading (and rereading) your post. Had you read all my posts below yours you’d realize I’ve done the legwork on Islam.
You seem to be saying our best course of action when dealing with Muslims is to ignore everything they do. I’m simply saying that’s been tried over and over again for 14 centuries and, each time it doesn’t work. Each time, millions of deaths later, we finally realize they mean it, they’re not going away, they really do want to kill us, and we take up arms and defend ourselves.
I’ve never been to Breitbart (although I know the name) or Infowars (never heard of them, sorry). I’m not really up on US pop culture. I’ve spent most of my adult life outside the United States, much of it in the third world, over a decade of it in Muslim countries. So, you see, I have extensive first hand experience of what Islam is and what it isn’t. It is not a religion as westerners think of religion. 60% of the Quran concerns itself with war and pillage. It is a guide to violent conquest and 7th century tribal governance.
I own a Quran and an abridged (900 page) Hadith of Al-Bukhari (courtesy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). I urge you, before you make pronouncements on Islam, to buy and read these books. You’ll find out my statements are accurate, based not only on history but, on the original source documents for Islam itself, the documents from which all Muslims take their beliefs.
I’ve read and written extensively on Islam. I invite you to read and learn. (I suggest you start with “Jihad” by Paul Fregosi, 450 pages of history that will shock and fascinate westerners, most of whom haven’t even learned about the last Jihad, unlike Muslims, for whom the last Jihad has never ended.) Pay close attention to the fate of Marco Antonio Bragadin, an Italian commander who negotiated safe passage for himself and his troops before surrendering to the Muslims.
Then compare the incredible cruelty of what Muslims were doing 500 years ago with what they’re doing now — ISIS is burning people alive and the Taliban’s torture de jure is gouging out their eyes and skinning their victims alive. Islam is a 1400 year old death cult, still in operation and still as brutal as it was in Muhammad’s day. In fact, Muhammad tortured one of Medina’s Jewish tribal chiefs to death by building a fire on his chest and letting the coals burn until they reached his heart and killed him.
That’s your Religion of Peace for you. In 14 centuries, Islam has never been stopped by understanding or accommodation, only by force of arms.
However, I advocate something different this time.
I suggest we might finally put Islam to rest by educating everyone (including, obviously, you) about the history of Muhammad and Islam. I suggest you try “We Can’t Kill the Jihad with Guns and Bombs” first, then “Ending the Jihad”. “Ending the Jihad” is long but, humorous and informative. If you don’t know how Islam started then check it out. You’ll learn how and why an illiterate Arab founded one of the world’s most followed religions and why Muslims are taught to hate Jews. You’ll learn as much in 25 pages as you would by reading a half dozen histories of Muhammad, one of the world’s greatest sociopaths.
You’ll also learn my nonviolent, long term cure for Jihad — telling Muslims the truth about themselves and their religion.
Understanding Islam is more important this time than in past Jihad cycles (Yes, cycles. It’s not like this hasn’t happened before. It has, over and over, for 14 centuries.) because in the last century we’ve developed weapons much more powerful than those available to the last cycle’s Jihadis.
In centuries past, though they killed millions, Muslims were unable to kill us all. This time it’s different. With access to nuclear and chemical/biological weapons the number of humans who will die as a result of the next Jihad could be in the hundreds of millions.
Military force will delay, but won’t end this threat. It’s time to try something we haven’t, the infidel world hasn’t ever tried in response to Jihad — teach Muslims about their own religion. Teaching Muslims the actual terrible histories of Muhammad and contradictions within Islam is the only antidote to the poison contained within the religion of conquest.
Surely, you say, they already know about Muhammad and Islam?
No, many Muslims are illiterate and most don’t speak Arabic. In their madrasas they memorize the Quran, with no understanding of the verses they’re repeating. They take their direction from local imams. They are in much the same situation Christians were before the Reformation, before heretics translated the Bible into languages they could understand—Muslims are at the mercy of imams, who control what they know about their religion.
I have now responded to you twice with rational, researched and well founded arguments, without assuming you’re ignorant or unintelligent or live under a rock. I think you might reread your posts and mine, then decide which of us holds the intellectual and moral high ground.
Most people bounce between ideas like pinballs between bumpers, never having learned or been taught rational thought. (No, we’re not born knowing how to think rationally. Logic is like a muscle. It needs training and exercise.) That’s how I see you, bouncing between your emotional reaction to another Islamic massacre and your self-loathing, your hatred for your own history and culture, unable to make a rational judgement about one because you’ve been taught irrationally about the other.
It is my impression that, although you can use words, you are not well-read. You seem to know nothing of history or Islam. Your knowledge is limited to your life’s experiences which, since you are young, are themselves limited, and your ability to reason is underdeveloped so, you compensate by using lots of words.
I’ll give you this compliment, you wrote rubbish but, did so with skill. ;)