Please, don’t follow me. I don’t want to have to start each concept from scratch.

Penseur Rodinson
3 min readAug 11, 2016

Could you please point out any mentions of hatred or race or nationality in my posts?

I don’t believe I mentioned hatred or race (mine or others’) or nationality (mine or others’) in any of my half dozen posts below the original one which I criticized. I think, in fact, you and the original poster who, like you accused me of hatred and racism, are the only writers to bring up any of those issues.

You have no idea of my race or nationality, yet accuse me of being a racist and nationalist.

Would that make you a bigot?

I definitely don’t hate Muslims. I feel sorry for them. I’ve known quite a few, probably many more than have you, and have managed to navigate the Islamic world for many years without doing violence to them or having them do violence to me.

I have, however had in-depth discussions with my Muslim friends and understand if made to choose, they will choose their religion over my life. If their imam tells them to do so, they will murder me. They’re from different countries and run the gamut from illiterate watchmen to graduate engineers but, they are all observing Muslims. That’s the one thing they have in common.

I have lost an employee, who’s failing marriage turned him into a homicide bomber. Blowing himself up allowed him to get out of his pain and into paradise — as long as he killed infidels while dying. He knew none of the people he killed, who died because his much younger wife rejected him emotionally. Too painful to stay, too embarrassing to divorce, there was no way out but to murder a bunch of perfect strangers. I am reminded of Omar Mateen, doomed to Islamic hell by his sexuality, who escaped that hell by killing 49 strangers.

It is the Islamic solution, the Islamic way out of internal conflict; die while killing perfect strangers and, no matter what you’ve done in your life, Allah will transport you straight to paradise.

You are wrong about most religions being systems of governance. Buddhism and Christianity specifically exclude governing from their spheres of interest, while Islam is specifically about governance. There is very little mysticism in the Quran. It is almost all rules of living, a large number of which concern how Muslims must deal with non-Muslims, one rule being: every Muslim must kill or enslave every non-Muslim.

When we discuss this, as you might guess, my Muslim friends stumble over it, because it’s there, in black and white, a command to which they pledge their allegiance 5 times a day, convert, kill, or enslave every infidel. They say when the time comes they will convert me, and I say they won’t, which leaves them with no escape.

I had a driver who, after a few illegal beers, told me not to worry, he’d warn me before they got to me. I hope he would have but, I’m not taking the chance. I won’t go back to the Islamic world because I fear we are reaching the point when their imams will order them to kill and, friends or not, they will kill.

I don’t advocate war against Muslims. I guess you didn’t get to that part.

I advocate, for the first time in 14 centuries, we try to end the Jihad by educating Muslims about their own history and religion. I advocate using humor to stop the killing.

Does that sound like hate? I didn’t think so but, I may be wrong. Maybe I am a hater. Maybe teaching people truths they’d rather not learn is an act of hate. That is, in fact, what you’ve accused me of, hate, because I told you something that, no matter how true, you didn’t want to hear.

I am guessing (correct me if I’m wrong) you’ve never read the Quran or Al-Bukhari. You should, really, before making pronouncements about Islam, read the source documents, the foundations of what Islam is and what Muslims believe. They are tough reading but, I’m sure you can do it.

In the meantime, I’m serious, please don’t follow me. I think you’ll learn little and I’ll spend lots of time feeling guilty because you haven’t.



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