Please define intolerant

Penseur Rodinson
2 min readAug 15, 2016

Intolerance means different things to different people and, while your definition may be Webster correct, it’s not the one used by most.

Take, for instance, those who insist their food must be kosher. They do not insist everyone else’s food must be kosher. By your definition, kosher eaters are intolerant but, in the minds of most people, their willingness to let everyone else eat non-kosher food makes kosher eaters tolerant.

Or, early Christians who, as you say, refused to worship other gods and actively proselytized among followers of other gods. However, these same Christians refused to use force of arms to convert others or defend themselves. By your definition, early Christians were intolerant but, in the minds of most people, their refusal to force pagans to worship their Christian god would make Christians tolerant.

I also wonder if the Jewish restrictions on membership (Jewishness is granted only to children of Jewish mothers) vs the Muslim lack of restriction (Muslim status is granted to any children of any Muslim parent) contradicts your argument; Jews are more restrictive, more intolerant but, have obviously lost ground to Muslims, who are less restrictive, less intolerant — as long as we use your definition of intolerance.

In the case of religion at least, it appears your definition of intolerance isn’t just at odds with the definition preferred by most people, it’s also at odds with the experimental results you quote.

Perhaps you’d care to address this.

I find the question of critical fraction interesting in the context of compliance. Considering various social behaviors, at what share of the population does the social fraction in question’s behavior cause the rest of the population to become compliant, to adopt the social fraction’s behavior? Had consumers of alcohol been a percent or a few percent, would Prohibition have succeeded?

BTW, I lent your book out and never got it back, a less-than-black-swan event. I find most really interesting books do not come home, instead finding new and different lives with new and different owners. ;)



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