PhDs must be getting easier.

Or else you’re pushing an agenda.

Penseur Rodinson


Let’s start out with — we don’t distribute 400,000 visas evenly. We allocate them as we choose, which is very unevenly. Then let’s move on to, we allocate another 600,000+ visas per year to relatives of US citizens or other visa holders.

So, we allocate over a million permanent visas per year, not including temporary visas, and by now — your readers should realize your PhD isn’t in math or statistics.

And your unfortunate readers should also realize that our student visas are problematic because we don’t police visa holders, no one checks to ensure they’re not working (In fact I’ve known quite a few who did work.) and many of them remain here long after they leave school or their visas expire. (Remember those 19 hijackers?)

Moving on to your views on Trump; He scares me. I campaigned hard against him but, while doing so I met lots of Trump supporters. They’re a polyglot bunch. No single issue or characteristic defines them. They aren’t all fixated on immigration or illegal immigration. Many are just tired of big government and think he’ll reduce the impact of government on their lives. I think they’re misguided but, Trump’s been vague enough so, who knows?

I have some insight into what people say but, I try not to assume I know what they don’t say. I suggest you do likewise, stop assuming you know what’s inside people’s heads. Stop looking down on people you don’t know.

By definition, every illegal alien working in the United States has stolen an American job. Those are definitions, not opinions or values.

Almost no illegal aliens pay any net taxes. In fact, taken as a group, they are a huge drain on legal American taxpayers. If you want a good general accounting of the net cost/benefit ratio of illegal immigrants, read this:

Each illegal alien within our borders costs US taxpayers in excess of $5168 each and every year they’re camped out in our country, and that estimate only includes prison, school and health costs. It doesn’t include other social benefits programs.

I’m not prejudiced against immigrants or immigration. I’ve spent most of my adult life working in foreign countries, legally, obtaining the required visas and permits, legally, abiding by their laws, checking in with their immigration and police departments, paying foreign (and US) income taxes, all legally.

I know how this works in the rest of the world, how other countries do this, how they police it and how they benefit from it and —no other country in the world tolerates what illegal immigration is doing to us.

Our politicians break our own laws to let in tens of millions of illegal aliens in order to cut US labor costs, and it’s worked. US construction workers are making almost the same amount I made when I was doing it in high school, forty-five years ago. US farm workers are making just above minimum wage, as are hotel maids and cooks.

For decades every American worker exposed to illegal immigrants has experienced wage stagnation. This is the obvious purpose of the Maquiladora program Lyndon Johnson instituted in 1964 and our officially strict but actually lax immigration policies since then.

I’m a professional. I don’t have to compete with illegal aliens. In fact, cheap labor from illegals has saved me lots of money but — at what cost? Cheap illegal labor has all but impoverished tens of millions of American citizens, and I’m not selfish or jaded enough to condone it just because it benefits me.

Allow me to make a few predictions:

A few days after we allow illegal aliens to take teaching jobs and accept less than union pay— our students will be taught all about the evils of illegal immigration by suddenly motivated unionized teachers who, until that time have loved illegal immigration.

And a few days after we allow illegal aliens to practice law — thousands of American lawyers will sue the Federal Government for loss of income, lawyers who until that time have loved illegal immigration.

And a few days after we allow illegal aliens to run for Congress and take less than the Congressional pay, to work for the Federal Government at less than Civil Service pay, to compete with Washington bureaucrats on the same basis they compete with a hundred million other American workers—

— Congress will vote funds and begin construction of a wall across the southern border, complete with guard towers and minefield.

Now, I suggest you go back to school and get a useful PhD in a more rigorous discipline, something that forces you to think rationally instead of allowing you to get by spouting political nonsense.



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