Obviously you’ve failed to read my posts.
Too bad. There’s a decade’s worth of studying Islam first hand, all yours, free of charge. All you have to do is read.
I don’t advocate dropping bombs on the Muslim world. I think everything we’ve done from the second Iraq War forward has been a mistake but, you never got to my post:
Nor did you get to my lengthy post proposing a nonviolent way to end the conflict:
Both of which say in so many words, we can’t kill our way out of this problem, so we should try something the non-Muslim world hasn’t for the 14 centuries this conflict has been going on — educating Muslims about their religion and their real history, not what they think is the truth, the real truth, how Islam really came about and what it’s done in the last 1400 years, to everyone, infidel and Muslim alike.
I’d argue Islam has victimized Muslims much more than it’s victimized the rest of us. It’s the primary reason most Muslims live in poverty and ignorance.
I realize reading 25 or 30 pages is a daunting task. Think about me, spending a decade living among Muslims, trying to peacefully coexist with them while figuring out some way for the world to solve this seemingly unsolvable problem.
Oh, that’s right, you couldn’t even pay attention to 3 or 4 pages, 25 would be too much to ask. I guess asking you to read the 250 page Quran or Fregosi’s 450 page“Jihad”, or the 900 page Hadith of Al-Bukhari would be completely out of the question.
Too bad, if you want to understand the problem, it’s going to take some work. But, I understand, it’s easier to spiel and spout than it is to study, and after all that time in the Muslim world, I’m used to people with very limited outlooks who are absolutely sure in their own minds they are experts on things of which they’ve absolutely no knowledge...like you!
Congrats, you just qualified to be a Muslim!