Not All Mass Shootings Are Equal.
Congress’ current operational definition of “mass shooting” is any event in which three or more people are shot. This definition is meant to obscure the subject, because almost all such events turn out to be gang related violence, not the indiscriminate mass mayhem for which the public uses the term.
Eliminate the gang related shootings, and we get down to a handful of mass shootings per year, a handful too many, but a concept much more useful to anyone sincerely trying to prevent mass indiscriminate killings rather than further a political agenda.
There are no conceivable, publicly acceptable laws that will prevent gang violence, because criminal gangs are already living their lives outside the law.
You do us an intellectual injustice by including intergang murders in the number of what the rest of us think of as mass killings.
You’ll note also, not all of my killers used guns — just violent video games.