Pain is never misdirected, it’s always spot on. I think, however your anger could be better directed.
For the many years I lived and worked in the third world, the mostly poor, mostly downtrodden people around me always directed their anger at us, the foreigners, because we’d respond. Even though their problems and their conditions weren’t our doing, though their problems were solely the products of their governments, they came to us because we would respond, we helped where their governments ignored or persecuted them. But, because those poor, downtrodden people refused or were afraid to focus their anger on their governments, nothing changed.
You’re directing your anger at people who will respond, mostly positively to your anger, groups who are almost totally supportive of you, lumping them in with small minorities of people who aren’t but, ignoring the group that actually killed 49 innocent people.
Much better to focus your anger on the group responsible. Try reading my post, Ending the Jihad, while it’s still up. I don’t know Medium well so, I don’t know how long they’ll leave it up. Other websites would take it down because sometimes the truth doesn’t hurt, it scares.
Those are the people who deserve your anger. Though their response won’t be pleasant, those are the people responsible for this tragedy and many past tragedies and undoubtedly more to come.
You have the courage to face people who may insult you but, won’t kill you. Christians don’t issue fatwas. Now, have the courage to face the people who would kill you and have killed your friends and maybe, we can begin to change the fundamental cause of this atrocity, a seventh century death cult, out to kill us all.