Penseur Rodinson
2 min readJan 9, 2017


Jesus of Nazareth died for and while preaching passivity to all and tolerance for all.

Muhammad built a sheikdom while preaching conquest, enslavement and murder to his tribe of the faithful and for all who weren’t members of his tribe of the faithful.

They were almost diametric opposites.

I suggest you read some of my posts about the origins of Islam. While you might find Islam has a few things in common with Judaism, it had and still has nothing in common with Christianity.

That’s why the Middle East, which was almost entirely Christian in 600 AD is now almost entirely devoid of Christians — because until just after 1000 AD, when imperiled Popes ordered their flocks to fight back, Christians took their passive religion seriously, while Muslim took then, as they do now, their religion’s call to violent conquest seriously.

I’ve written about this extensively, and suggest, if you’re interested, since you’re already treading a road I’ve trod, you read “Ending the Jihad”, which is a slightly long, but humorous account of how and why Islam came to be. Islam’s beginnings are so damnable and Muhammad so laughable, so uncool, if we taught the real history of Islam in our schools our children would be forewarned and there’d never be another American convert.

In this case, we cannot kill an idea by killing the people who hold it. There are around 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, all of whom their religion exhorts to visit violence upon the rest of us. We won’t stop them by killing them. We’ll only stop them by making the idea that binds them so unattractive they choose to abandon it of their own accords.

Wayward Christians have fought in his name wars he forbade, and wayward Muslims have failed to fight wars Muhammad commanded in Allah’s name, but — if you study Christ and Muhammad you’ll never conflate the two again.



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