ISIS isn’t causing the Jihad, the Jihad caused ISIS
Have you wondered why it is, every time one or more Muslims attack one or more non-Muslims, all the news announcers and security and political analysts embroil themselves in endless discussions about whether the attack was caused by ISIS, whether the homicide bomber, shooter, driver or knife-wielding Muslim of the day ever emailed or messaged or texted someone at ISIS headquarters, as though, if he’s not ISIS he doesn’t count?
I did.
I stared, astonished and impatient as network anchors pummeled terrorism experts with combinations of “but, what was his motivation?” and “was he ISIS, or just a lone wolf?” all the time, wondering what the hell was wrong with them, could they be that ignorant, that stupid, could they?
They could. They are or, the people talking into their earpieces are.
They speak and think as though Jihad started with ISIS, as though ISIS is the cause of it all, the reason hundreds of thousands of people are dying in the Middle East and Africa and smaller numbers are dying in Asia and Europe and America; forgetting 9/11 happened well before ISIS, before the Iraq invasion, before we’d even thought about Afghanistan.
9/11 wasn’t ISIS so, doesn’t 9/11 count?
They’ve all forgotten the first attack on the World Trade Center, the truck bomb that went off below the North Tower, that killed and injured over 1000 in 1993–20 years before ISIS.
It wasn’t ISIS so, doesn’t it count?
Why are our news people, our politicians, and our military and intelligence analysts fixated with ISIS, to the exclusion of everything not ISIS?
Ever heard the saying: “If the only tool you’ve got is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail”?
That’s the reason. Our news people, our politicians and intelligence analysts are used to crime and armed conflicts between nations. No one in our news universe, our government or our military has ever fought a tribal war and, that’s what this is —
— a tribal war cloaked under the cover of religion.
We are being attacked by the tribe of Muhammad and, as with all tribal wars, there are no rules, nor any bounds to the conflict. It will take place wherever one or more of them meet one or more of us and, it will end when they have defeated us or we have defeated them.
Tribal wars are about conquest and loot and, that’s how Islam started — a war of conquest over loot. Mecca was a prosperous destination for religious tourists who worshiped many different gods. Muhammad wanted in on the religion business so, he dreamed up Allah and Allah’s word, the Quran. But, the citizens of Mecca didn’t want another religion competing with theirs for tourist cash so, they rejected Allah and Muhammad.
They banished him.
Whereupon Muhammad trekked across the desert and asked the Jewish tribes of Medina for shelter. They, in one of the world’s greatest misbegotten acts of charity said —
— OK.
Muhammad did a slow burn in Medina and was soon raiding Meccan caravans, killing the caravaners and stealing Mecca’s loot. The Meccans ran out of patience with their old comrade and decided to fight. Muhammad asked Medina’s Jews to help him. They refused. They said they weren’t killing Meccans and robbing their caravans so, it wasn’t their fight.
Muhammad did another slow burn and, when the Meccans showed up, and he and his followers prevailed, he was free to slaughter the Jews who had given him shelter and a place to live just a few years before.
He beheaded over 600 in one night and scorched his slow burn into the Quran, damning Jews for all time.
Understand this; the Jew’s unforgivable crime against Muhammad and Islam was to refuse to help Muhammad murder other people with whom they had traded peacefully and with whom they had no quarrel.
Having conquered his enemies and killed most of Medina’s Jews, Muhammad moved back to Mecca and made it his headquarters for further conquest. As of 632, when he died, Muhammad had conquered about half of the Arabian Peninsula but, his scribes wrote into the Quran, his life’s work, instructions to his followers to continue the conquest, to convert or enslave or kill everyone on earth.
Yes, everyone on earth.
And, since 632, that’s what Muslims have been trying to do. See the orange, yellow and brown areas below? Before 600 AD almost all the inhabitants of those areas were Jews or Christians. By 750 AD the inhabitants were almost all either Muslims or Dhimmis (non-Muslim slaves). Almost all of the original Jews and Christians had been killed or enslaved.
Islam killed or enslaved most of the Jewish and Christian populations of the Middle East and North Africa and, eventually Southern and Eastern Europe.
Hold your cursor over the map below to see the various stages of Islam’s bloody, murderous conquest of the world.
It wasn’t all victory. There were defeats. When the Muslims invaded France, (Yes, Muslims have been invading France for more than a thousand years.) Charles Martel fought back and beat them badly. He, as much as anyone saved civilization as we know it from the stifling repression of Muhammadism — as Islam was known for many centuries.
A few hundred years later, with Islam knocking on the doors again, Pope Urban put together the Crusaders, who fought all the way back to Jerusalem which, originally meant nothing to Islam but another place to be sacked and pillaged, since it was full of Christians and Jews.
Jerusalem became important to Muslims only once the Crusaders had recaptured it.
So, the Muslims mounted larger armies and took back Jerusalem and everything else they could get their hands on, eventually fighting their way to the gates of Vienna, killing and enslaving almost everyone on the way.
Yes, the Muslims killed and enslaved most of Eastern Europe.
The real Dracula, Vlad Dracul, was a Romanian freedom fighter against the Muslims. He’d been a captive of the Muslims as a child and, while captive he studied them carefully and learned the only way to beat them — to be more vicious than they were. He kept them out of most of Romania for several decades but, they eventually killed him and the rampage moved on.
It was Polish King John Sobieski, who played Charles Martels’ role, and saved civilization as we know it a second time from the murdering hordes, by beating the Muslims at the battle of Vienna in 1683. Yes, 1683, just 3 centuries ago they were still invading Europe, killing millions of people and taking millions of slaves.
Are you noticing a pattern? The civilized world goes happily about its business, ignoring the Muslim world until, the unproductive Muslim world looks over the fence and sees the riches of the productive civilized world, whereupon the Muslims attack and plunder until, someone in the civilized world says “Enough of this murdering and enslaving and pillaging! I’m going to fight back!” And he kicks the Muslims back into their squalid corner of the world and they cry fowl because, once a Muslim has set foot anywhere in the world, that becomes sacred Muslim ground.
Spain is sacred Muslim ground; forget what the Spaniards think, they don’t matter, they’re infidels.
And, a few generations or centuries later, it all starts again, Muslims see something they want and, since they have no compunction about killing to get it, they kill, with great flare and fanfare and, since they’re far more vicious than the people they’re attacking, they win, for awhile — as you can see:
So, you see, ISIS is nothing new. It’s just new to us because, it’s been awhile since the Muslim world could get its act together and attack us and, stopping ISIS, taking back all of ISIS’s territory, killing all of ISIS’s fighters won’t matter because —
— ISIS isn’t causing Jihad. Jihad is what caused ISIS.
The only way to stop this ISIS and the next ISIS and the one after that is to kill Jihad. But, since Jihad is a basic tenet of Islam, that means reforming Islam, something the world’s bravest man, Abdel Fattah Saeed Hussein Khalil el-Sisi, the President of Egypt has told the Muslim clerics of his country they must do.
“We have to think hard about what we are facing,” he said. “It’s inconceivable that the thinking that we hold most sacred should cause the entire [Islamic world] to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world. Impossible!
“Is it possible that 1.6 billion people [Muslims] should want to kill the rest of the world’s inhabitants — that is 7 billion — so that they themselves may live? Impossible!”
“You cannot feel it if you remain trapped within this mindset,” el-Sisi said. “You need to step outside of yourselves to be able to observe it and reflect on it from a more enlightened perspective.”
In an age in which Islamic countries already have nuclear weapons and will soon have many more, how refreshing, but odd that civilization’s greatest hope for survival is a Muslim; that the only person in the world with the courage to speak against Islam and Jihad is himself, a Muslim and —
— how completely expected that Barack Obama supported the Muslim Brotherhood who, called for el-Sisi’s assassination!
Oh, yeah, there’s that other principle of Islam, taqiiya, strategic lying. Muhammad said “All war is deceit.” and, Muslims are encouraged to lie if it helps them achieve their strategic goals. Keep that in mind whenever you hear or read or see something that doesn’t make sense, like —
— the President of the United States supporting people our own intelligence agencies say form a terrorist organization, even though they’re calling for the assassination of a man who says Muslims must give up their dream of killing everyone else on earth!
See what I mean?