Hitler wasn’t far right, he was far left. He was a Nazi, a National Socialist, an authoritarian socialist. The German press destroyed its credibility by not telling the truth about he and his Brownshirts and the Jews.
Stalin wasn’t far right, he was far left, a communist, which makes him another authoritarian socialist. The Russian media had no credibility because it was an arm of the communist government.
Mao wasn’t far right, he was far left, a communist, another authoritarian socialist. Most Chinese had no idea his Great Leap killed tens of millions of people, because the Chinese press was an arm of the communist government.
Do we see a pattern here? Rightists don’t seek or believe in government control of the press. Leftists do. They must, because given the dismal economic history and terrifying social history of leftist governments, no informed public would ever elect a leftist government. The public must be misinformed to elect them.
Donald Trump hasn’t destroyed the credibility of the American press. He exerts no more control of the press now than he did when he was a reality star. If he did, obviously his press would be much better. In fact, now that he’s a public person, he can’t even sue them for libel.
No, the American press destroyed its own credibility by covering for John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton and especially Barack Obama, by not telling the truth about America’s would be authoritarian socialists. Though Nixon was in office when the Pentagon Papers were revealed, he wasn’t the real target of the document. “The Post” issues several quiet mea culpas about America’s press first refusing to question, and second carrying water for Kennedy and Johnson.
Donald Trump isn’t articulate enough to destroy a corrupt, but talented press, but he is articulate enough to focus attention on the press’ corruption.