Have some more Taqiiya, anyone?
And I know much more than you claim.
I spent a decade in various Muslim countries and have read the Quran and much of Al-Bukhari. I’ve had enough Muslims preach to me so I know how you think. You’re a taqiiyist, playing to an audience. Unfortunately, I’m the only one reading it so, you’re wasting your time.
What’s JihadWatch? I don’t watch much television and I’ve spent most of my adult life outside the US, so I’m not really up on American pop culture, nor am I a Trump supporter. I campaigned for and donated to someone else. Trump scares me.
There are really only three basic economic systems, capitalism, communism and anarchy. Islam is compatible with one, capitalism, but imposes a degree of anarchy on people whom it conquers during the transition from them owning their lives and property to Muslims owning their lives and property.
Islam allows for private property. As soon as you have private property, you have capitalism, not communism, nor anarchy.
While I’m glad I wasn’t in Hiroshima or Nagasaki, and the atom bombs killed a total of almost 200,000 people who were, neither of them were worse than the fire bombing of Tokyo, which killed 115,000 in one night. By ending the war quickly, obviating the need for an invasion, they saved millions of lives, both Allied and Japanese. In Truman’s place I’d have done it and, facing the same choice now, I’d do it again. It saved lives.
Nuclear weapons are tools of war, no more, no less, which when used carry with them no more guilt than the use of a knife or gun, both of which have killed many times more than nuclear weapons ever have or will and they may have had a good effect, the threat of mutually assured destruction has kept the peace for the past 60 years.
That will be over soon, since Iran will have enough nuclear weapons to kill hundreds of millions, and bring about the return of the Mahdi.
And, you’re wrong, you don’t understand economics. The Quran is full of rules about property. The Ottomans had private property, which means the Ottoman Empire, the last Caliphate, was capitalistic, as are Iran and ISIS, both places that call themselves Islamic. Maybe they’re not Islamic enough for you but, to the rest of the world, they’re Islamic enough.
Enough, you’re a taqiiyaist and you bore me. Bye.