Penseur Rodinson
2 min readFeb 5, 2018


Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, and if I allow people like you to remove him from power simply because you don’t like him, then our republic will be finished. We will be just like Russia or Cuba, where elections are meaningless and freedom is whatever the ruling cabal chooses to allow.

“Collusion” isn’t a crime, it’s a word. To “collude criminally” you must be cooperating in the commission of a crime. Talking to foreigners isn’t a crime. Doing business with foreigners isn’t a crime.

There never were and still are no grounds for an investigation into Trump.

There are now, however, grounds to investigate the FBI and DOJ. Trump didn’t appoint “all…” the people at the DOJ. He appointed one of them, Jeff Sessions, who was manipulated into recusing himself from anything to do with the election, which allowed the Obama cabal still in control of the department to start an open ended investigation into anything it wanted, which is how the “collusion” issue got started.

If you can’t find a crime, find a word that sounds like a crime, and count on a cooperative press and the ignorance of the population to permit you to get away with it.

You are exactly, precisely, provably wrong in every unsupported claim you make.

That’s coming from someone who spent a fair amount of money trying to defeat Donald Trump. Check my posts from the election. I wasn’t kind to him, but he is the lawfully elected President of the United States, and it’s my duty to defend him against unjust attack. I took my oath seriously —

— and I still do.



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