“Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that Allah is with the righteous.”

Penseur Rodinson
2 min readAug 10, 2016

Repentence 9:121, continuation of Spoils.

There are many more examples of Muhammad demanding Muslims conquer infidels but, this is one of the most concise, a command, rather than a story.

It is from my English language translation of the Quran, correlated with my English language translation of the abridged Al-Bukhari. Al-Bukhari explains in more detail what making war means and what Muslims must do to the infidels upon whom they make war. It’s not pleasant. Muslims must kill or enslave us, all of us.

These are, according to Muhammad’s claims, the original, immutable words of Allah and, according to Muslim tradition, the best explanation of how to interpret the Quran. I do not depend on other’s opinions. I go to the source.

And, yes, I am saying any and all observing Muslims are out to get the rest of humanity. That is exactly what their religion demands of them. I am also saying all observing Muslims are ordered to lie about this, to hide the facts of their religion from we infidels. It’s called taqiiya, strategic lying. Muslims are to deceive infidels until they are strong enough to conquer them.

“War is deceit.” Muhammad in Al-Bukhari 52:269.

You (if you’re a Muslim) and the Zuhdi Jassers of the world are either apostates or taqiiyists, either condemned to death by the Quran or lying to deceive we, the infidels about Islam’s intentions until you, the Muslims are strong enough to impose sharia law on us and the world.

Islam is indefensible on the facts. To hide their goals and motivations, Muslims depend on infidels’ ignorance. Thanks to Thomas Jefferson’s English translation of the Quran, we can read and interpret for ourselves what Islam is really about. It’s not a religion, it’s a manual for tribal war.

That’s what Jefferson discovered in 1812 and why he quit trying to negotiate with the Muslims killing US sailors and holding US citizens as slaves and instead, ordered US ships to defend themselves against the Barbary Muslims.

I don’t hate Muslims and I don’t advocate physical war against them. I advocate defending ourselves by teaching the truth about Islam. Read my post: https://medium.com/@Penseur/we-cant-kill-the-jihad-with-guns-and-bombs-37ee76bb79e8#.hjod1uc71

Muhammad was such a despicable person and Islam is such a ridiculous religion, if we teach the true history we won’t have to fight because people will be embarrassed to call themselves Muslims.



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