As a scientist and mathematician, I trust data, not unsupported statements or opinions, and despise politics and those blinded by it.
The data are in: The Press isn’t just slightly leftistish, it’s authoritarian socialist, otherwise known as fascist.
Republican speakers are routinely barred from campuses and private businesses. I’ve yet to hear of a Democrat speaker denied access to a college or fired by an employer for being Democrat. College faculties are almost uniformly Democrats, as are social media organizations.
The reason we’ve become polarized is because we’ve trained a generation of young people that left is right and right is wrong, by preventing the right from making its case by limiting its access to them.
We are now more polarized by age than any time I can remember. My world was different than my parents, but within the same reality and we understood the same truths.
Not so now. None of my liberal friends have even heard of Lois Lerner or Fast and Furious or Christopher Steele. Their sources of information are the mass media and their campus colleagues. They live within a bubble they’ve created and which they insist must be expanded until it encompasses us all.