Member-only story
Armed America — Part 2 — The κρατερός Archipelago
The Coming Storm.

The storm darkening our horizon is the most dangerous any living American has seen, and unless we change course, America as we know her is finished.
In the months since our last mass shooting I’ve been to town halls and listened to Congressman and others pledge their opposition to any and all red-flag laws…no red flags — period! — to thunderous applause. They moved me to write Armed America — Part 1 to prod gunless people to think about people with guns, and people with guns to think about people without them.
I’m pessimistic about our future, particularly since Medium embargoed Part 1. It’s invisible, not even searchable. That’s how things are in America now. Our mediators keep us separated from each other, divided so much we may as well be living in different countries…
…and for the first time in my life, different countries seem possible.
For the first time in my life I can see separate Americas.
Armed America — Part 1 was a simple example of how and why we (who don’t live in America’s mega population centers) acquire and own firearms. Where I’m from they’re far more…